Utilize GAP Resources to implement the requirements RIGHT the first time so that your organization has a cost-effective baseline for the future.
Problem: New audit requirements or testing approaches are required for the first time. How to ensure that your organization is responsive without going overboard and institutionalizing a costly compliance process.
Solution: Getting the new approach right the first time is critical. Once an approach is put into place your organization will likely live with it for years to come. It is not easy, so what is required?
- Audit Interpretation – Translating the new requirements by professionals with a strong understanding of the audit theory to probe, negotiate and confirm the testing approach with key stakeholders primarily external and internal audit.
- Translating into the Tactical – To be sustainable, the theoretical – “testing key reports” or “reviewing segregation of duties” has to be translated into steps that are on-point, practical, repeatable and sustainable.
- Execution and Assessment – Initial execution will identify questions, improvement opportunities and clarifications that need to be identified and considered broadly in the requirements.
- Training and Documentation – Training and documentation needs to be developed so that execution in the future can be completed by control owners or less experienced compliance personnel.
Benefit: With GAP Resources, the same highly experienced professional can execute all steps of the solution – including the actual execution. This approach verifies that the detail execution steps are in alignment with the audit objectives and GAP clients have a sustainable process into the future.